Tagged: Fertility

Pre-conception Care – An Holistic Perspective

Pre-conception care with Chinese medicine

Thinking about having a baby? It can feel mega – emotionally, psychologically and physically. Add a trend to have babies later in life, feeling the tick-tock of the biological clock, stepping into the unknown, and it’s easy to get overwhelmed.

Fertility is an arena in which Chinese Medicine gets a lot of notoriety.

In Chinese Medicine, the premise for pre-conception care is to be at your optimal vitality and balance. If you are planning to conceive, both parents should prepare their bodies prior to conception. This will increase your chances of:

  • A healthy and energetic pregnancy
  • Easy breast-feeding and recovery
  • Optimal vitality in your children.

In essence, we are preparing the soil to plant the seed, then nourishing the eco-system to sustain growth. (more…)

The Flower Blooms: 7 Practices for Women’s Sexual and Reproductive Health

Women's sexual and reproductive health

When it comes to women’s sexual and reproductive health, attitudes matter. Our culture shapes the way we feel about our bodies and more deeply, how our bodies respond.

“Safe sex” in classical Chinese thought is sex that does not drain the body of needed energy and vitality, but increases it.

Chinese medical history is long and traverses time to places where cultural norms about women’s sexual and reproductive health were quite different.



About Jing Essence

Adrenal fatigue help with Chinese medicine

Jing Essence in Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine takes seriously the importance of our relationship to the Earth. It is concerned with our broken connection to the Earth, and how we can re-connect to its natural rhythms. By doing this, we can begin to harmonize our body, breath and mind to capture, cultivate and nourish our in-built self-healing mechanisms.

Older civilisations, such as India and China, have developed naturalistic cultivation practices to maintain, deepen, and draw from our relationship with nature. Recently I have been learning about Ayurveda, which sits alongside Chinese Medicine as the oldest known living medical systems. They both clearly describe this nature-connection and cultivation process.

In Chinese Medicine it is described in the physiology and cultivation of our Pre and Post Natal Essence (Jing) and Qi.  The Ayurveda speaks of our Prakriti – our inherent individual nature. It also speaks of the Soma, the nectar of life and how the wise collect it and drink it in.

Below is the lowdown on Jing Essence, what it is, how and why to treasure it.
