Tagged: Fatigue

Are You a Tired Puppy? The Adrenal Fatigue Lowdown

Adrenal fatigue burnout


In July I attended an industry seminar called the Adrenal Epidemic. I got the lowdown on the latest research about adrenal fatigue, otherwise known as allostatic resistance.

What you need to know about adrenal fatigue

I’ve summarised what I believe you need to know about this condition, especially if you are:

  •  someone who suffers from fatigue, burnout, thyroid or hormonal issues
  •  entering your late 30s, living in the inner city with a really full and busy life, burning the candle at both ends and want to age­ (in the words of the naturopath leading the seminar)­ “disgracefully well”
  • wanting to stay fertile and juicy and have an easy menopause.

If this is you, then please get to know allostatis and cortisol.
