Nourish & Let Go

A 21 Day Spring Cleanse

Yang starts to stir, we rouse from our Winter slumber and its the season to recalibrate and set some intentions.

This is a detoxification program, yet with a focus of nourishment and reconnecting to the bodies natural rhythm and needs.

It’s a time to make some space for ourself, heal our digestive system, move our bodies, support the liver and gallbladder

, tend to our nervous system and engage with rejuvenating behaviours.

What you’ll get

  • 4 x Educational videos to help you understand your body & prepare for the reset.

    Designed & facilitated by an experienced Doctor of Chinese Medicine.

    Dr. Becca Andrews (TCM) Cloud Gate Acupuncture

  • A 15 minute movement practice to warm and loosen your body, get your heart rate up & build strength.

    With Nick Milwright from Fitzroy Fitness Club

  • A 45 min restorative online Yoga class; a blend of movement and practical regulation tools for the nervous system. It will leave you feeling nourished & nurtured.

    With Lori Curran from The Humble Nook

  • A 45 minute online breath work practice.

    Learn 4 prana yama techniques

    (breath- movement- control) that we can use throughout our Spring journey.

    With Todd Robertson from Rising Health

  • 2 x 45 minute group online community check in.

    1. We set our intentions, some journaling, sharing & a chance to ask Q's.

    2. We close our journey, a somatic practice & share reflections and guidelines for transitioning out.

    With Dr. Becca Andrews (TCM) Cloud Gate Acupuncture

  • Experience the power of coming together in community to support each other and nourish our bodies. To build in the lifestyle habits that help us cultivate Qi, vitality, pleasure and power. To to heal the gut, cleanse the liver, eat yummy food and move our body.

What’s inside

heal your digestion

Your gut is where we take in, break down & absorb all our nutrients and Qi from food & drinks. It’s also a brain. Producing neurotransmitters, affecting our mood and helping us understand safety & how we feel. Learn how to support the alchemical magic that happens underneath the diaphragm & within the stomach, liver & intestines with your diet & eating habits.

let go of old emotion

During your reset as you let go of stimulants and increase your sleep you may feel your mood improve. Yet, sometimes, during detox you may get some old emotion emerge for processing. If this happens, we encourage you to let it in & let. it. out.

You also need to keep the pathways of elimination open to clear the metabolic wastes.

align with the seasons

Food is medicine. Learn Chinese dietary wisdom & how to eat to heal our bodies. In this video we also explore the dynamics of the Wood Element & Springtime. Chinese Medicine is based on the rhythms and patterns of Nature, it encourages us to move with the seasons and work with the dynamics present in the environment to best create ease, flow, harmony & power.

This Spring

This Spring

Various fresh herbs including parsley, rosemary, dill, and basil on a wooden table with black pepper in a bowl in highton geelong austraila.

Nourish and Let Go begins October 11th.

We will travel together as a community , yet you curate your own program based on your goals and priorities. Nothing is prescriptive. Please feel free to choose what works for you and your capacity. There is no pressure or 'getting it right'

Choose a level of engagement that feels inspiring , achievable, relaxed and you have the capacity for.

The recommendations

  • Flagging behaviors and habits that aren’t serving you

  • Add helpful foods and practices and avoid foods and ideologies that are hurting you

  • Take a break from sugar, caffeine, alcohol, dairy and gluten

  • Daily movement & relaxation

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • We get it, sometimes you can't make the live online sessions. No biggie. The restorative movement & breath work practice will be recorded & sent the next day.

    They are there for you to use as a resource for when ever you want.

    The opening & closing session with Becca won't be recorded as there are personal shares.

    You got to be there for that magick.

    You will, however be equipped with all that you need for the journey if you can't make the opening & closing.

    Think Thursday evenings at 7pm via zoom

    Beginning the journey will Becca. We set our intentions, do some journaling, sharing & a chance to ask Q's.

    A 45 minute online breath work practice with Todd Robertson from Rising Health

    Learn 4 prana yama techniques (breath- movement- control) that we can use throughout our Spring journey.

    A 45 min restorative online Yoga class; a blend of movement and practical regulation tools for the nervous system. With Lori Curran from The Humble Nook, it will leave you feeling nourished & nurtured.

    We close our journey, a somatic practice & share reflections and guidelines for transitioning out with Becca

  • There will be 5 videos ranging from 6-20 mins.

    Either Sept 18th or ( if you're a last minute booker) Sept 21, your videos will be emailed to you daily for 5 days.

    You will receive:

    • 15 minute dynamic movement practice from Nick @ the fitzroy fitness club

    • An introduction to the program & how to prepare with Becca

    • A journey through the digestive system to help build body literacy

    • Chinese medicine dietary advice and the energetics of Spring & the Wood Element

    • Supporting the pathways of elimination.

    You will have lifetime access to these videos.

  • It's all up to you. Choose your own adventure with this.. yet you will be accountable for what you choose.

    The recommendations are:

    • no sugar

    • no gluten

    • no dairy

    • no alchohol

    • no caffeine

    You may want to chose just 2 or 3 from this list. Or set a limit.. ie 1 x coffee per day.

    Its less about taking out then building in.

  • Diet & Lifestyle changes are enough.

    You can also choose to take some herbs or supplements to support your clinical goals. If you'd like a prescription for herbs or supplements you can book a treatment or a 30 min online consult with Dr. Becca Andrews (TCM)

  • $150

  • This is an important question and I may not have all the answers but here is some more information for you.  

    Food is part of it, but its not all about the food. We don't  have a judgement on what is 'good' or 'bad' food, 'healthy' or 'unhealthy' food and its not linked to weight loss, its not linked to measurement or scales. Its linked to the nourishment, the energy and the vitality that the food provides. 

    There is an emphasis on connection to the body and with that we may experience sensations of hunger or fullness . We focus on building a compassionate, felt sense of the body and organise our commitment around what we want grow towards, experience more of perhaps that may be qualities of ease, space, vitality, energy, rest, pleasure, power, strength, freedom.  We also explore the effect that certain substances or foods can have on us and why we might be relying on them and what may be other options for us to meet our needs.

     We do advocate for regular movement , but movement that feels good and appropriate for where you're at.

    Nothing is prescriptive and you have all the flexibility and freedom to decide what you want to commit to for 21 days. 

     I have been asked the question :

    I want to join but I'm worried it will trigger previous ED tendencies around restricting etc, any advice?

    Triggers are very individual things and something that we may need to be very careful or cautious with. They can bring on or worsen symptoms.  

    Triggers can definitely be difficult,  yet could also be an opportunity engage with the practices or people that support you.  

    Or, perhaps as you notice your response to a trigger changing, a chance to acknowledge the growth that may have happened. 

    Part of growth could be responding to the trigger with curiosity, 'Why is that triggering me? ' 

     ED or disordered eating can also vary greatly person to person and within an individual  and arc of lived experience.  People can be at all different stages of their healing or recovery, relapse or journey. 

    If  taking a break from or shifting away from certain foods or drinks feels too restrictive or triggering for you , then perhaps Nourish and Let Go is not the right program for you or perhaps it's not the right time to take part. That's totally OK. 

    Triggers may occur, and there may be times where we are more vulnerable to relapse and we suggest coming back to the intention, 'Why am I doing this ? What is my intention here ?

    If warning signs come up for you, rigidity around food, thoughts or feelings, guilt or shame, exercise compensation. It's important to know who you could reach out to, what are your supports and what strategies have worked for you in the past. 

    The Butterfly Foundation is one. 

    They are very helpful, always available for a chat and you can find them here.