Topic: Chinese Medicine

Experiencing Difficult Emotions (And How To Mine Them For Their Wisdom)

Coping with difficult emotions

We all have trouble dealing with our emotions sometimes. Feelings that come up can have all sorts of stories attached to them. Stories we don’t like, feelings we don’t want to experience.

We hide what we feel, ignore it, feel shame and guilt about it, lie about it or blame other people for causing difficult emotions in us.

We also crave certain emotions that are considered positive: we want to grasp on to them, get addicted and attached to things, people and places which generate that emotional feeling.

This attachment to certain emotions can motivate our behaviour and make us feel out of control.

When it comes to emotions, perhaps we never really grew up. (more…)

How to Detox: A Guide

How to detox


I use detox as a clinical tool. I find it makes a huge improvement in my patients, especially for (but not limited to) those suffering fatigue, endocrine issues, digestive disorders and adrenal burnout.

Detoxing is also fantastic for pre-conception care.

I always spend time chatting with my clients and really getting a sense of what is realistic and what they can manage. Aspirations can be admirable. But you must know what you’re getting in to, be invested in the benefits and be up for it.

It can either be pleasurable coming home to your optimal health or it can be a total struggle. Preparation is what makes the difference. (more…)

How To Reduce Hay Fever Severity

Treat hay fever allergy symptoms naturally

Hay fever. Grrrr, it’s sooo annoying.


What Causes Hay Fever?

Allergic reactions occur when the body’s immune system misidentifies a normally harmless substance as a threat to the body. An inflammatory reaction takes place in an attempt to eject this substance from the system, resulting in a variety of symptoms.

Common allergens (substances that produce allergic reactions) are foods, pollen, animal dander, mould, insect venom, drugs and dust mites.  

There are other insidious factors that can set you up to be much more reactive as your immune system is already on alert and trigger happy.


Are You a Tired Puppy? The Adrenal Fatigue Lowdown

Adrenal fatigue burnout


In July I attended an industry seminar called the Adrenal Epidemic. I got the lowdown on the latest research about adrenal fatigue, otherwise known as allostatic resistance.

What you need to know about adrenal fatigue

I’ve summarised what I believe you need to know about this condition, especially if you are:

  •  someone who suffers from fatigue, burnout, thyroid or hormonal issues
  •  entering your late 30s, living in the inner city with a really full and busy life, burning the candle at both ends and want to age­ (in the words of the naturopath leading the seminar)­ “disgracefully well”
  • wanting to stay fertile and juicy and have an easy menopause.

If this is you, then please get to know allostatis and cortisol.


About Jing Essence

Adrenal fatigue help with Chinese medicine

Jing Essence in Chinese Medicine

Chinese Medicine takes seriously the importance of our relationship to the Earth. It is concerned with our broken connection to the Earth, and how we can re-connect to its natural rhythms. By doing this, we can begin to harmonize our body, breath and mind to capture, cultivate and nourish our in-built self-healing mechanisms.

Older civilisations, such as India and China, have developed naturalistic cultivation practices to maintain, deepen, and draw from our relationship with nature. Recently I have been learning about Ayurveda, which sits alongside Chinese Medicine as the oldest known living medical systems. They both clearly describe this nature-connection and cultivation process.

In Chinese Medicine it is described in the physiology and cultivation of our Pre and Post Natal Essence (Jing) and Qi.  The Ayurveda speaks of our Prakriti – our inherent individual nature. It also speaks of the Soma, the nectar of life and how the wise collect it and drink it in.

Below is the lowdown on Jing Essence, what it is, how and why to treasure it.


Chinese Herbs for Your Bone Broth To Take It Next Level.

Bone broth with Chinese herbs

Bone broth bone broth bone broth… Sick of hearing about it already?

Thought you knew all there is to know about bone broth? Starting to think it could be a diet fad to rival green smoothies? Should kale and quinoa get nervous?

Things may be blowing up in the media and people might be touting all sorts of claims, but really, bone broth is a very normal part of diets across the globe. This nourishing elixir is especially present in cultures where they need to utilise as much as they can from their produce and livestock in an effort to have enough food to nourish and strengthen the tribe.

Not only that, it’s easy to make, nutrient dense, easily absorbed by the body, warming and welcome in the colder months, and suitable for all ages.

More specifically, adding medicinals to your soup stock is ancient grandmother’s medicine in China. The synergistic effect of combining both food and medicine in Chinese culture has been understood and utilised for a long time.


Why I’m a Moxibustion Freak and I Think You Should Be Too

moxibustion treatment acupuncture chinese medicine



Sometimes I feel so passionate about Moxa (Moxibustion) that I feel I could pop.

Why? Well:
1. I’m a major Chinese med geek
2. Because of the untapped potential of this amazing technique. It’s a true gem.

Moxibustion is:

  • cheap
  • easy to use for most people
  • portable.

Let’s put it into context.

What Is Moxibustion?

To start, what is it?

Moxibustion is the burning/smouldering of the herb known as Mugwort (botanically known as artemisa agyii, princeps or montanta) that has been dried, processed and aged so that it is a punk (soft downy fluff made from the hairs and oil of the leaves) or rolled into cigar-like sticks (this uses more fibrous parts of the plant).

Moxa is burnt on or near acu-points in the body.

